
968 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-08-03 08:53:56 +00:00
import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js";
import { ComfyDialog, $el } from "../../scripts/ui.js";
import { ComfyApp } from "../../scripts/app.js";
import { api } from "../../scripts/api.js"
import { ClipspaceDialog } from "./clipspace.js";
// Helper function to convert a data URL to a Blob object
function dataURLToBlob(dataURL) {
const parts = dataURL.split(';base64,');
const contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1];
const byteString = atob(parts[1]);
const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
for (let i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
uint8Array[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([arrayBuffer], { type: contentType });
function loadedImageToBlob(image) {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png', 1);
const blob = dataURLToBlob(dataURL);
return blob;
function loadImage(imagePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
image.src = imagePath;
async function uploadMask(filepath, formData) {
await api.fetchApi('/upload/mask', {
method: 'POST',
body: formData
}).then(response => {}).catch(error => {
console.error('Error:', error);
ComfyApp.clipspace.imgs[ComfyApp.clipspace['selectedIndex']] = new Image();
ComfyApp.clipspace.imgs[ComfyApp.clipspace['selectedIndex']].src = api.apiURL("/view?" + new URLSearchParams(filepath).toString() + app.getPreviewFormatParam() + app.getRandParam());
ComfyApp.clipspace.images[ComfyApp.clipspace['selectedIndex']] = filepath;
function prepare_mask(image, maskCanvas, maskCtx, maskColor) {
// paste mask data into alpha channel
maskCtx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, maskCanvas.width, maskCanvas.height);
const maskData = maskCtx.getImageData(0, 0, maskCanvas.width, maskCanvas.height);
// invert mask
for (let i = 0; i < maskData.data.length; i += 4) {
if(maskData.data[i+3] == 255)
maskData.data[i+3] = 0;
maskData.data[i+3] = 255;
maskData.data[i] = maskColor.r;
maskData.data[i+1] = maskColor.g;
maskData.data[i+2] = maskColor.b;
maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
maskCtx.putImageData(maskData, 0, 0);
class MaskEditorDialog extends ComfyDialog {
static instance = null;
static getInstance() {
if(!MaskEditorDialog.instance) {
MaskEditorDialog.instance = new MaskEditorDialog(app);
return MaskEditorDialog.instance;
is_layout_created = false;
constructor() {
this.element = $el("div.comfy-modal", { parent: document.body },
[ $el("div.comfy-modal-content",
createButtons() {
return [];
createButton(name, callback) {
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.style.pointerEvents = "auto";
button.innerText = name;
button.addEventListener("click", callback);
return button;
createLeftButton(name, callback) {
var button = this.createButton(name, callback);
button.style.cssFloat = "left";
button.style.marginRight = "4px";
return button;
createRightButton(name, callback) {
var button = this.createButton(name, callback);
button.style.cssFloat = "right";
button.style.marginLeft = "4px";
return button;
createLeftSlider(self, name, callback) {
const divElement = document.createElement('div');
divElement.id = "maskeditor-slider";
divElement.style.cssFloat = "left";
divElement.style.fontFamily = "sans-serif";
divElement.style.marginRight = "4px";
divElement.style.color = "var(--input-text)";
divElement.style.backgroundColor = "var(--comfy-input-bg)";
divElement.style.borderRadius = "8px";
divElement.style.borderColor = "var(--border-color)";
divElement.style.borderStyle = "solid";
divElement.style.fontSize = "15px";
divElement.style.height = "21px";
divElement.style.padding = "1px 6px";
divElement.style.display = "flex";
divElement.style.position = "relative";
divElement.style.top = "2px";
divElement.style.pointerEvents = "auto";
self.brush_slider_input = document.createElement('input');
self.brush_slider_input.setAttribute('type', 'range');
self.brush_slider_input.setAttribute('min', '1');
self.brush_slider_input.setAttribute('max', '100');
self.brush_slider_input.setAttribute('value', '10');
const labelElement = document.createElement("label");
labelElement.textContent = name;
self.brush_slider_input.addEventListener("change", callback);
return divElement;
createOpacitySlider(self, name, callback) {
const divElement = document.createElement('div');
divElement.id = "maskeditor-opacity-slider";
divElement.style.cssFloat = "left";
divElement.style.fontFamily = "sans-serif";
divElement.style.marginRight = "4px";
divElement.style.color = "var(--input-text)";
divElement.style.backgroundColor = "var(--comfy-input-bg)";
divElement.style.borderRadius = "8px";
divElement.style.borderColor = "var(--border-color)";
divElement.style.borderStyle = "solid";
divElement.style.fontSize = "15px";
divElement.style.height = "21px";
divElement.style.padding = "1px 6px";
divElement.style.display = "flex";
divElement.style.position = "relative";
divElement.style.top = "2px";
divElement.style.pointerEvents = "auto";
self.opacity_slider_input = document.createElement('input');
self.opacity_slider_input.setAttribute('type', 'range');
self.opacity_slider_input.setAttribute('min', '0.1');
self.opacity_slider_input.setAttribute('max', '1.0');
self.opacity_slider_input.setAttribute('step', '0.01')
self.opacity_slider_input.setAttribute('value', '0.7');
const labelElement = document.createElement("label");
labelElement.textContent = name;
self.opacity_slider_input.addEventListener("input", callback);
return divElement;
setlayout(imgCanvas, maskCanvas) {
const self = this;
// If it is specified as relative, using it only as a hidden placeholder for padding is recommended
// to prevent anomalies where it exceeds a certain size and goes outside of the window.
var bottom_panel = document.createElement("div");
bottom_panel.style.position = "absolute";
bottom_panel.style.bottom = "0px";
bottom_panel.style.left = "20px";
bottom_panel.style.right = "20px";
bottom_panel.style.height = "50px";
bottom_panel.style.pointerEvents = "none";
var brush = document.createElement("div");
brush.id = "brush";
brush.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
brush.style.outline = "1px dashed black";
brush.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0 1px white";
brush.style.borderRadius = "50%";
brush.style.MozBorderRadius = "50%";
brush.style.WebkitBorderRadius = "50%";
brush.style.position = "absolute";
brush.style.zIndex = 8889;
brush.style.pointerEvents = "none";
this.brush = brush;
var clearButton = this.createLeftButton("Clear", () => {
self.maskCtx.clearRect(0, 0, self.maskCanvas.width, self.maskCanvas.height);
this.brush_size_slider = this.createLeftSlider(self, "Thickness", (event) => {
self.brush_size = event.target.value;
self.updateBrushPreview(self, null, null);
this.brush_opacity_slider = this.createOpacitySlider(self, "Opacity", (event) => {
self.brush_opacity = event.target.value;
if (self.brush_color_mode !== "negative") {
self.maskCanvas.style.opacity = self.brush_opacity;
this.colorButton = this.createLeftButton(this.getColorButtonText(), () => {
if (self.brush_color_mode === "black") {
self.brush_color_mode = "white";
else if (self.brush_color_mode === "white") {
self.brush_color_mode = "negative";
else {
self.brush_color_mode = "black";
var cancelButton = this.createRightButton("Cancel", () => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", MaskEditorDialog.handleMouseUp);
document.removeEventListener("keydown", MaskEditorDialog.handleKeyDown);
this.saveButton = this.createRightButton("Save", () => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", MaskEditorDialog.handleMouseUp);
document.removeEventListener("keydown", MaskEditorDialog.handleKeyDown);
imgCanvas.style.position = "absolute";
maskCanvas.style.position = "absolute";
imgCanvas.style.top = "200";
imgCanvas.style.left = "0";
maskCanvas.style.top = imgCanvas.style.top;
maskCanvas.style.left = imgCanvas.style.left;
const maskCanvasStyle = this.getMaskCanvasStyle();
maskCanvas.style.mixBlendMode = maskCanvasStyle.mixBlendMode;
maskCanvas.style.opacity = maskCanvasStyle.opacity;
async show() {
this.zoom_ratio = 1.0;
this.pan_x = 0;
this.pan_y = 0;
if(!this.is_layout_created) {
// layout
const imgCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const maskCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
imgCanvas.id = "imageCanvas";
maskCanvas.id = "maskCanvas";
this.setlayout(imgCanvas, maskCanvas);
// prepare content
this.imgCanvas = imgCanvas;
this.maskCanvas = maskCanvas;
this.maskCtx = maskCanvas.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently: true });
this.is_layout_created = true;
// replacement of onClose hook since close is not real close
const self = this;
const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'style') {
if(self.last_display_style && self.last_display_style != 'none' && self.element.style.display == 'none') {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", MaskEditorDialog.handleMouseUp);
self.brush.style.display = "none";
self.last_display_style = self.element.style.display;
const config = { attributes: true };
observer.observe(this.element, config);
// The keydown event needs to be reconfigured when closing the dialog as it gets removed.
document.addEventListener('keydown', MaskEditorDialog.handleKeyDown);
if(ComfyApp.clipspace_return_node) {
this.saveButton.innerText = "Save to node";
else {
this.saveButton.innerText = "Save";
this.saveButton.disabled = false;
this.element.style.display = "block";
this.element.style.width = "85%";
this.element.style.margin = "0 7.5%";
this.element.style.height = "100vh";
this.element.style.top = "50%";
this.element.style.left = "42%";
this.element.style.zIndex = 8888; // NOTE: alert dialog must be high priority.
await this.setImages(this.imgCanvas);
this.is_visible = true;
isOpened() {
return this.element.style.display == "block";
invalidateCanvas(orig_image, mask_image) {
this.imgCanvas.width = orig_image.width;
this.imgCanvas.height = orig_image.height;
this.maskCanvas.width = orig_image.width;
this.maskCanvas.height = orig_image.height;
let imgCtx = this.imgCanvas.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently: true });
let maskCtx = this.maskCanvas.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently: true });
imgCtx.drawImage(orig_image, 0, 0, orig_image.width, orig_image.height);
prepare_mask(mask_image, this.maskCanvas, maskCtx, this.getMaskColor());
async setImages(imgCanvas) {
let self = this;
const imgCtx = imgCanvas.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently: true });
const maskCtx = this.maskCtx;
const maskCanvas = this.maskCanvas;
// image load
const filepath = ComfyApp.clipspace.images;
const alpha_url = new URL(ComfyApp.clipspace.imgs[ComfyApp.clipspace['selectedIndex']].src)
alpha_url.searchParams.set('channel', 'a');
let mask_image = await loadImage(alpha_url);
// original image load
const rgb_url = new URL(ComfyApp.clipspace.imgs[ComfyApp.clipspace['selectedIndex']].src);
rgb_url.searchParams.set('channel', 'rgb');
this.image = new Image();
this.image.onload = function() {
maskCanvas.width = self.image.width;
maskCanvas.height = self.image.height;
self.invalidateCanvas(self.image, mask_image);
this.image.src = rgb_url;
initializeCanvasPanZoom() {
// set initialize
let drawWidth = this.image.width;
let drawHeight = this.image.height;
let width = this.element.clientWidth;
let height = this.element.clientHeight;
if (this.image.width > width) {
drawWidth = width;
drawHeight = (drawWidth / this.image.width) * this.image.height;
if (drawHeight > height) {
drawHeight = height;
drawWidth = (drawHeight / this.image.height) * this.image.width;
this.zoom_ratio = drawWidth/this.image.width;
const canvasX = (width - drawWidth) / 2;
const canvasY = (height - drawHeight) / 2;
this.pan_x = canvasX;
this.pan_y = canvasY;
invalidatePanZoom() {
let raw_width = this.image.width * this.zoom_ratio;
let raw_height = this.image.height * this.zoom_ratio;
if(this.pan_x + raw_width < 10) {
this.pan_x = 10 - raw_width;
if(this.pan_y + raw_height < 10) {
this.pan_y = 10 - raw_height;
let width = `${raw_width}px`;
let height = `${raw_height}px`;
let left = `${this.pan_x}px`;
let top = `${this.pan_y}px`;
this.maskCanvas.style.width = width;
this.maskCanvas.style.height = height;
this.maskCanvas.style.left = left;
this.maskCanvas.style.top = top;
this.imgCanvas.style.width = width;
this.imgCanvas.style.height = height;
this.imgCanvas.style.left = left;
this.imgCanvas.style.top = top;
setEventHandler(maskCanvas) {
const self = this;
if(!this.handler_registered) {
maskCanvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
this.element.addEventListener('wheel', (event) => this.handleWheelEvent(self,event));
this.element.addEventListener('pointermove', (event) => this.pointMoveEvent(self,event));
this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', (event) => this.pointMoveEvent(self,event));
this.element.addEventListener('dragstart', (event) => {
if(event.ctrlKey) {
maskCanvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', (event) => this.handlePointerDown(self,event));
maskCanvas.addEventListener('pointermove', (event) => this.draw_move(self,event));
maskCanvas.addEventListener('touchmove', (event) => this.draw_move(self,event));
maskCanvas.addEventListener('pointerover', (event) => { this.brush.style.display = "block"; });
maskCanvas.addEventListener('pointerleave', (event) => { this.brush.style.display = "none"; });
document.addEventListener('pointerup', MaskEditorDialog.handlePointerUp);
this.handler_registered = true;
getMaskCanvasStyle() {
if (this.brush_color_mode === "negative") {
return {
mixBlendMode: "difference",
opacity: "1",
else {
return {
mixBlendMode: "initial",
opacity: this.brush_opacity,
getMaskColor() {
if (this.brush_color_mode === "black") {
return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
if (this.brush_color_mode === "white") {
return { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 };
if (this.brush_color_mode === "negative") {
// negative effect only works with white color
return { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 };
return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
getMaskFillStyle() {
const maskColor = this.getMaskColor();
return "rgb(" + maskColor.r + "," + maskColor.g + "," + maskColor.b + ")";
getColorButtonText() {
let colorCaption = "unknown";
if (this.brush_color_mode === "black") {
colorCaption = "black";
else if (this.brush_color_mode === "white") {
colorCaption = "white";
else if (this.brush_color_mode === "negative") {
colorCaption = "negative";
return "Color: " + colorCaption;
updateWhenBrushColorModeChanged() {
this.colorButton.innerText = this.getColorButtonText();
// update mask canvas css styles
const maskCanvasStyle = this.getMaskCanvasStyle();
this.maskCanvas.style.mixBlendMode = maskCanvasStyle.mixBlendMode;
this.maskCanvas.style.opacity = maskCanvasStyle.opacity;
// update mask canvas rgb colors
const maskColor = this.getMaskColor();
const maskData = this.maskCtx.getImageData(0, 0, this.maskCanvas.width, this.maskCanvas.height);
for (let i = 0; i < maskData.data.length; i += 4) {
maskData.data[i] = maskColor.r;
maskData.data[i+1] = maskColor.g;
maskData.data[i+2] = maskColor.b;
this.maskCtx.putImageData(maskData, 0, 0);
brush_opacity = 0.7;
brush_size = 10;
brush_color_mode = "black";
drawing_mode = false;
lastx = -1;
lasty = -1;
lasttime = 0;
static handleKeyDown(event) {
const self = MaskEditorDialog.instance;
if (event.key === ']') {
self.brush_size = Math.min(self.brush_size+2, 100);
self.brush_slider_input.value = self.brush_size;
} else if (event.key === '[') {
self.brush_size = Math.max(self.brush_size-2, 1);
self.brush_slider_input.value = self.brush_size;
} else if(event.key === 'Enter') {
static handlePointerUp(event) {
this.mousedown_x = null;
this.mousedown_y = null;
MaskEditorDialog.instance.drawing_mode = false;
updateBrushPreview(self) {
const brush = self.brush;
var centerX = self.cursorX;
var centerY = self.cursorY;
brush.style.width = self.brush_size * 2 * this.zoom_ratio + "px";
brush.style.height = self.brush_size * 2 * this.zoom_ratio + "px";
brush.style.left = (centerX - self.brush_size * this.zoom_ratio) + "px";
brush.style.top = (centerY - self.brush_size * this.zoom_ratio) + "px";
handleWheelEvent(self, event) {
if(event.ctrlKey) {
// zoom canvas
if(event.deltaY < 0) {
this.zoom_ratio = Math.min(10.0, this.zoom_ratio+0.2);
else {
this.zoom_ratio = Math.max(0.2, this.zoom_ratio-0.2);
else {
// adjust brush size
if(event.deltaY < 0)
this.brush_size = Math.min(this.brush_size+2, 100);
this.brush_size = Math.max(this.brush_size-2, 1);
this.brush_slider_input.value = this.brush_size;
pointMoveEvent(self, event) {
this.cursorX = event.pageX;
this.cursorY = event.pageY;
if(event.ctrlKey) {
self.pan_move(self, event);
let left_button_down = window.TouchEvent && event instanceof TouchEvent || event.buttons == 1;
if(event.shiftKey && left_button_down) {
self.drawing_mode = false;
const y = event.clientY;
let delta = (self.zoom_lasty - y)*0.005;
self.zoom_ratio = Math.max(Math.min(10.0, self.last_zoom_ratio - delta), 0.2);
pan_move(self, event) {
if(event.buttons == 1) {
if(this.mousedown_x) {
let deltaX = this.mousedown_x - event.clientX;
let deltaY = this.mousedown_y - event.clientY;
self.pan_x = this.mousedown_pan_x - deltaX;
self.pan_y = this.mousedown_pan_y - deltaY;
draw_move(self, event) {
if(event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) {
this.cursorX = event.pageX;
this.cursorY = event.pageY;
let left_button_down = window.TouchEvent && event instanceof TouchEvent || event.buttons == 1;
let right_button_down = [2, 5, 32].includes(event.buttons);
if (!event.altKey && left_button_down) {
var diff = performance.now() - self.lasttime;
const maskRect = self.maskCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = event.offsetX;
var y = event.offsetY
if(event.offsetX == null) {
x = event.targetTouches[0].clientX - maskRect.left;
if(event.offsetY == null) {
y = event.targetTouches[0].clientY - maskRect.top;
x /= self.zoom_ratio;
y /= self.zoom_ratio;
var brush_size = this.brush_size;
if(event instanceof PointerEvent && event.pointerType == 'pen') {
brush_size *= event.pressure;
this.last_pressure = event.pressure;
else if(window.TouchEvent && event instanceof TouchEvent && diff < 20){
// The firing interval of PointerEvents in Pen is unreliable, so it is supplemented by TouchEvents.
brush_size *= this.last_pressure;
else {
brush_size = this.brush_size;
if(diff > 20 && !this.drawing_mode)
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
self.maskCtx.fillStyle = this.getMaskFillStyle();
self.maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
self.maskCtx.arc(x, y, brush_size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
self.lastx = x;
self.lasty = y;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
self.maskCtx.fillStyle = this.getMaskFillStyle();
self.maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
var dx = x - self.lastx;
var dy = y - self.lasty;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var directionX = dx / distance;
var directionY = dy / distance;
for (var i = 0; i < distance; i+=5) {
var px = self.lastx + (directionX * i);
var py = self.lasty + (directionY * i);
self.maskCtx.arc(px, py, brush_size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
self.lastx = x;
self.lasty = y;
self.lasttime = performance.now();
else if((event.altKey && left_button_down) || right_button_down) {
const maskRect = self.maskCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = (event.offsetX || event.targetTouches[0].clientX - maskRect.left) / self.zoom_ratio;
const y = (event.offsetY || event.targetTouches[0].clientY - maskRect.top) / self.zoom_ratio;
var brush_size = this.brush_size;
if(event instanceof PointerEvent && event.pointerType == 'pen') {
brush_size *= event.pressure;
this.last_pressure = event.pressure;
else if(window.TouchEvent && event instanceof TouchEvent && diff < 20){
brush_size *= this.last_pressure;
else {
brush_size = this.brush_size;
if(diff > 20 && !drawing_mode) // cannot tracking drawing_mode for touch event
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
self.maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
self.maskCtx.arc(x, y, brush_size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
self.lastx = x;
self.lasty = y;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
self.maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
var dx = x - self.lastx;
var dy = y - self.lasty;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var directionX = dx / distance;
var directionY = dy / distance;
for (var i = 0; i < distance; i+=5) {
var px = self.lastx + (directionX * i);
var py = self.lasty + (directionY * i);
self.maskCtx.arc(px, py, brush_size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
self.lastx = x;
self.lasty = y;
self.lasttime = performance.now();
handlePointerDown(self, event) {
if(event.ctrlKey) {
if (event.buttons == 1) {
this.mousedown_x = event.clientX;
this.mousedown_y = event.clientY;
this.mousedown_pan_x = this.pan_x;
this.mousedown_pan_y = this.pan_y;
var brush_size = this.brush_size;
if(event instanceof PointerEvent && event.pointerType == 'pen') {
brush_size *= event.pressure;
this.last_pressure = event.pressure;
if ([0, 2, 5].includes(event.button)) {
self.drawing_mode = true;
if(event.shiftKey) {
self.zoom_lasty = event.clientY;
self.last_zoom_ratio = self.zoom_ratio;
const maskRect = self.maskCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = (event.offsetX || event.targetTouches[0].clientX - maskRect.left) / self.zoom_ratio;
const y = (event.offsetY || event.targetTouches[0].clientY - maskRect.top) / self.zoom_ratio;
if (!event.altKey && event.button == 0) {
self.maskCtx.fillStyle = this.getMaskFillStyle();
self.maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
} else {
self.maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
self.maskCtx.arc(x, y, brush_size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
self.lastx = x;
self.lasty = y;
self.lasttime = performance.now();
async save() {
const backupCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const backupCtx = backupCanvas.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently:true});
backupCanvas.width = this.image.width;
backupCanvas.height = this.image.height;
backupCtx.clearRect(0,0, backupCanvas.width, backupCanvas.height);
0, 0, this.maskCanvas.width, this.maskCanvas.height,
0, 0, backupCanvas.width, backupCanvas.height);
// paste mask data into alpha channel
const backupData = backupCtx.getImageData(0, 0, backupCanvas.width, backupCanvas.height);
// refine mask image
for (let i = 0; i < backupData.data.length; i += 4) {
if(backupData.data[i+3] == 255)
backupData.data[i+3] = 0;
backupData.data[i+3] = 255;
backupData.data[i] = 0;
backupData.data[i+1] = 0;
backupData.data[i+2] = 0;
backupCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
backupCtx.putImageData(backupData, 0, 0);
const formData = new FormData();
const filename = "clipspace-mask-" + performance.now() + ".png";
const item =
"filename": filename,
"subfolder": "clipspace",
"type": "input",
ComfyApp.clipspace.images[0] = item;
if(ComfyApp.clipspace.widgets) {
const index = ComfyApp.clipspace.widgets.findIndex(obj => obj.name === 'image');
if(index >= 0)
ComfyApp.clipspace.widgets[index].value = item;
const dataURL = backupCanvas.toDataURL();
const blob = dataURLToBlob(dataURL);
let original_url = new URL(this.image.src);
const original_ref = { filename: original_url.searchParams.get('filename') };
let original_subfolder = original_url.searchParams.get("subfolder");
original_ref.subfolder = original_subfolder;
let original_type = original_url.searchParams.get("type");
original_ref.type = original_type;
formData.append('image', blob, filename);
formData.append('original_ref', JSON.stringify(original_ref));
formData.append('type', "input");
formData.append('subfolder', "clipspace");
this.saveButton.innerText = "Saving...";
this.saveButton.disabled = true;
await uploadMask(item, formData);
name: "Comfy.MaskEditor",
init(app) {
ComfyApp.open_maskeditor =
function () {
const dlg = MaskEditorDialog.getInstance();
if(!dlg.isOpened()) {
const context_predicate = () => ComfyApp.clipspace && ComfyApp.clipspace.imgs && ComfyApp.clipspace.imgs.length > 0
ClipspaceDialog.registerButton("MaskEditor", context_predicate, ComfyApp.open_maskeditor);